MAS V3.4 PTF02 Function Reference

Web Server Cache Updates

Cache Hit and Miss Byte Counters Expanded

With this PTF, the counters for Cache Hit Bytes Served and the Cache Missed Bytes Served have been expanded from 32 bits to 64 bits. In Talk 5, each of these 64-bit counters will be displayed in decimal as two 32-bit values.

WEBC>list partition 0
Cache Partition 0        Status: Enabled 
     Cluster address:, Port 80
     Cluster address:, Port 80
Partition size: Current - 0 bytes  Highest - 133120 bytes   Maximum - Unlimited
Number of objects: Current - 0  Highest - 15 Maximum - Unlimited
Maximum object size: Unlimited
Cache purge interval: 10 minute(s)
Hit ratio: 29%
Total number of hits:  103
Cache Hit 4GBytes Served:  0
+Cache Hit Bytes Served:  1036361
Breakdown of responses for the Cache Hits
 (note: this is based on whether the HTTP Proxy considered it a hit.
  So these count may not add up to the hit count above)
   Response 200(OK):                103
   Response 203(Non-Authoriative):  0
   Response 206(Partial Content):   0
   Response 300(Multiple Choices):  0
   Response 301(Moved Permanently): 0
   Response 304(Not Modified):      0
   Response 410(Gone):              0
Total number of misses:  249
Cache Miss 4GBytes Served:  0
+Cache Miss Bytes Served:  532549
Breakdown of responses for the Cache Misses
 (note: this is based on whether the HTTP Proxy got the response
  back through it. In the case of multiple boxes working together
  as a big cache these counts will not add up to the total misses
  if a handoff was done)                                         
   Response 100 Range(Information):         0
   Response 200(OK):                        72
   Response 200 Range(Successful-not 200):  0
   Response 304(Not Modified):              0
   Response 300 Range(Redirection-not 304): 0
   Response 400 Range(Client Error):        0
   Response 500 Range(Server Error):        176
   Response other (not  in the above):      0
Object Excluded (Object too large):        0
                (Object expired):          0
                (DONT CACHE header):       0
                (URL Mask excluded):       0
                (Image excluded):          0
                (Static object excluded):  0
                (Dynamic object excluded): 0
                (Cache disabled):          0
Objects explicitly Included: 0
Total number of purged objects: 36
Purged objects (Cache full):     0
               (Object stale):   21
               (Purged by user): 15
               (Invalidation):   0
               (via ECC delete): 0
Total number of objects added via ECCM Interface: 0
Total number of objects not added via ECCM Interface but was attempted: 0
Total number of objects replaced via ECCM Interface: 0

Using SNMP

You can also use SNMP to access each 64-bit hit and miss counters. The high order 32 bits of each counter have been added at the end of an OID tree structure as follows: where y = cache partition number and  
x =  54 for ibmcacheserverPartitionHitByteCount
     55 for ibmcacheserverPartitionMissByteCount
     56 for ibmcacheserverPartitionHitByteCountHi
     57 for ibmcacheserverPartitionMissByteCountHi	

The following TCP-related parameters are also added to the Web Server Cache MIB: where 
x = 4 for webcacheCoreTCPcurconn	(current count of TCP connections)
    5 for webcacheCoreTCPmaxconn	(maximum count of TCP connections)
    6 for webcacheCoreSOcurconn	  (current count of SOX connections)
    7 for webcacheCoreSOmaxconn	  (maximum count of SOX connections)

ECCM Authentication

Additionally, by using the Talk 6 patch command, you can disable ECCM authentication (enabled is the default). To disable ECCM authentication, use the patch command to change the variable ecc-auth-disable to any non-zero value as follows:

Variable to patch ?[] ecc-auth-disable   
New Value [0]? 1 
Variable patched successfully

To re-enable ECCM authentication, use the patch command to change the variable back to zero:

Variable to patch ?[] ecc-auth-disable   
New Value [1]? 0 
Variable patched successfully

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